Gift gifts can be a challenge for all of us. I like to gift something meaningful to the person who is receiving it. Where I can, I love to gift experiences, because I’m a firm believer that it is a gift that keeps on giving.
If you’re a non-arty person then gifting something to someone who is can be a challenge, so the team at Arthouse Northside have compiled a list of our ideas to hopefully make your shopping a little bit easier.
Books to Inspire & Educate
Books are a wonderful source of information, inspiration and encouragement. At Arthouse Northside we make sure our shelves are equally filled with books to teach you how to practice your craft, books to inspire to improve your practice, books to help you turn your art into a career, books to educate you on new mediums and books to inspire your creativity.
The library is ever growing.
A clean slate to create on is a lovely gift. Be it a canvas, trying out linen, or perhaps a lovely sheet of fine watercolour paper a new place to create on is always welcome in our studios.
Journals, Sketchbooks & Pads of Paper
Beginners and professional artists alike will always find sketchbooks and lovely journals a great gift. A place to pop down ideas, work through a problem, write their daily pages or even just their next shopping list.
An Easel
A good solid surface or easel to work on makes the whole process of creating so much more pleasurable. Plus its a great way to clear the kitchen table again.
A Gift Voucher
There is nothing better as an artist than being given free reign in an art shop to buy yourself treats without having to worry about your budget. Some artists stock up on staples, others will treat themselves to something they haven’t tried before.
What’s the best idea you’ve had to gift an artist?
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