Are you wanting to loosen up your painting practice but finding it difficult?

Are you on an endless quest to find the ‘perfect’ brush but coming up short?

Then, the palette knife may be your answer!

They come in all different shapes and sizes to scrape, squish, throw and trowel paint onto your canvas. Not only are they fun, but using them loosens your body up in a way that could almost be considered exercise! (Maybe a stretch, but I’m taking it) with a short wooden handle and bendable metal spatula, they’re great for painting and for brush saving paint mixing.

But, You’ve tried that and that’s not quite it either?

Enter: The Princeton Cataylst Blade!

Replace the metal with silicone and It’s all the great expressive fun of a palette knife coupled with the longer handle of a paintbrush!

They come in various lengths, shapes and widths. Plus, the tips being silicone means they’re a bit gentler on your canvas and super easy to clean.

You can find Catalyst blades in a variety of shapes and sizes at Arthouse Northside.

”In the art studio, blades and knives are mightier than the sword”